Monday, June 23, 2014

Before Papap's trip to Korea

Hello.... it's been like ages that I haven't written anything in this blog.... LOL....
This post is requested by Jerome's dad so in the future, we can read it again and it will remind us about the story in detail :)

Last month, Jerome's dad, which I call Papap, went to Korea for a business trip...On the same day, I also had a business trip to at the same time we were gonna leaving sad... but we also had our responsibility to our works, must go on...

 It was Wednesday.. as usual, Jerome has an English class at EF. Me and Papap planned to drop Jerome off to EF before leaving. At first, I had to leave him first because I went to Bandung by train at 4.00 PM, while Papap's flight was at 6.00 PM. So Papap had more time with Jerome for the rest of the day. We know that Jerome was sad beause his Mom and Dad would leave him at the same time. It was tough for him. He asked me to cancel the business trip, but then I told him that I had to go because it was a kind of responsibility. Anyway, I teach Jerome about responsibility early in his life because he will be a man and a husband, so it is really important for him to know much about responsibility, right?

We went by car to EF, and I stopped in front of the EF to get a taxi that would give me a ride to Gambir, while Papap and Jerome went in to the EF class. Then Papap told me what happened there, and here is the story:
Jerome's class started at 3.00 PM and his class was in the second floor. At the time, Jerome hugged and kissed his daddy before going up stair. Papap didn't go up stair and just waited there. Then after the hug-and-kiss moment, Jerome went up and waved his hand to his daddy. But then Jerome went down again, ran through the stairs, then hugged and kissed his daddy for several times then he went up again. It made Papap's heart melting...oh boy... It seemed that he knew for sure that he's gonna miss his daddy a lot... It was so touching me when Papap told me the story...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Jerome's progress at YMC

Today, me and Jerome went to Pacific Place because Jerome takes piano courses every Saturday. Today is the second meeting. I was really disappointed because Jerome was not cooperative. He didn't follow the instruction and refused to sing any song. I was so ashamed because I couldn't stop myself to compare him with others students. Even a younger little boy was so good, always followed the teacher's instruction and did it well. I just wonder, what happened to my boy?
Did he not enjoy it? what should I do?
Dear God...please help my son to enjoy the activity...I believe he will realize that it's for his own good....

Monday, August 22, 2011

Count of blessing

There are some pressures at my office these days, but there's no reason not to thank God. Somebody said that it will be great if you can thank God when things are going bad in your life....

So, I will start to count the blessing I got from God...
1. I thank God for giving me a nice husband...he is not romantic but he is a good guy.
I just heard today that one of my friend was just divorced and it made me really shock...

2. I thank God for giving me a nice boy and he is adorable

3. I thank God for giving me so many blessings so far....

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Black Pepper Beef

This is the first recipe that made me so satisfied since it is really easy and doesn't take much time. Everyone can make it!
Here is the recipe:

350 gram daging sapi, potong sesuai selera
6 butir bawang putih, cincang
3 sdm minyak goreng
1 sdm minyak wijen
2 sdm merica hitam bubuk
100 cc air
1 bh paprika hijau dan 1 bh paprika merah, potong sesuai selera
1 butir bawang bombay, iris
garam secukupnya

Bahan rendaman daging:
3 sdm kecap manis
1 sdm kecap asin
1 sdm kecap ikan
3 sdm saus tiram
2 sdm saus tomat
1 sdt gula pasir

Cara Memasak:
Daging yang sudah dipotong-potong dimasukkan dalam bahan rendaman selama 15-20 menit.
Panaskan minyak goreng yang dicampur dengan minyak wijen, masukkan bawang putih cincang, tumis hingga harum.
Masukkan daging sapi bersama saus rendamannya, aduk hingga warnanya berubah, tambahkan air, aduk sekali-sekali hingga airnya mengering dan terlihat minyaknya, supaya daging menjadi empuk.
Masukkan merica bubuk, bawang bombay dan paprika, aduk-aduk sebentar, icip, jika kurang tambahkan garam dan gula sesuai selera.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The maid

After being confused for many months, I prayed to God to help me solve this problem, and God sent me someone who actually I still don't know...but she is a colleague at my office.
I got a lot of information from her which is really useful for me.
The problem is how to deal with house working in Jakarta without a maid.

But then me and my husband decided to live in Jakarta without a maid!
Yes....we don't wanna depend on any maid.
The solution is that Jerome will stay in a daycare in Jakarta. I will do house working as usual, just like what I have done here. I will cook, do laundry, clean up and so on and so forth.
Maybe it will be difficult in the beginning. But I believe I can make it. People is easy to be adapted to a new situation. And I believe that I am a kind of that person.
I feel so excited every time I think about it.
I just feel comfortable because we live here just the three of us. No other people. It's so convenient for us.
Therefore, I couldn't imagine if there is someone else in our place that we don't know exactly.
So I will try my best to live without a maid. I hope it will work. At least until Jerome is going on 5.

Upcoming graduation!

I can't believe that I will graduate next month!

Yes, time flies so fast.....Next month, on December 19, 2009, I will wear my cap and gown, get my certificate and gather with family and friends....oh God....I'm so excited!!!
After those tears and bloody things, after the hard work, after those sleepless nights....I made it!!!!
Thanks God for everything....I do thank you for all your graces and glory!

Now, I should start preparing all things before heading back to Indonesia....
There are so many things to do...
And then, prepare my self for the reverse culture shock! haha......


I have so many friends on my facebook. I get along well with most of them. Some are just so so. They are my childhood friends, my high school friends, my colleague friends, and so on and so forth. Some are my relatives or sibling.
I just realized that the more friends I have on facebook, the more complicated it is.
Well, it's because now I should take care more about my facebook, I should figure out any single thing. I mean, I couldn't write anything on my mind now. Since everybody can read it and think differently with me. It will be a problem.

I have an old buddy. I knew her since almost 20 years ago. It's not a short time, isn't it?
I didn't know why somebody really wanna separate us. Somebody told her about bad things and it came from me. How come? I just wonder what kind of advantage that the damn guy will get from that situation, by telling bed things to my friend? She became so upset and she suddenly decided to remove me from her mind.
I beg her to think about our good memories during our childhood to calm her down. It worked just for a while, but then she still reminded those bad news and cheap gossip. She wrote something about that on her facebook.
Ok then. It's time to quit now. I made up my mind to remove her from my friends list. It's enough. I still have my own dignity. Goodbye my friend....
I'm tired of you. Sayonara!

The itchiness

Well, after trying many soaps and lotions, the itchiness is still there :(
I even tried to apply baby oil to my body after taking shower. Still didn't work. Oh gosh....
I called my friend, and she suggested me to reveal the itchiness first. Then I took a skin medicine that I bought from Walgreen. Well, it helped though but still the itchiness stays on my body..oh God....

Monday, October 26, 2009

Itchy skin

During this fall, I felt my skin was sooooo itchy! Even I couldn't stop my self from scratching it. It's not good though. It will worsen my skin. Then I asked my friends on my facebook the solution. Then I got it. So easy.
Why I couldn't think about it before. I just had to change the soap.

Actually, I've been thinking about it but I was not sure and thought that I should finish the soap that currently I used. Then I changed my mind. So last night, we went to Walmart and I bought a moisturizer soap. It's so soft and tender. I also bought a bath therapy. It smells lavender. After arriving at home, I took a bath and I tried the bath therapy. Oh's soooo nice! It didn't heal my pain directly but it made me feel so fresh! I like it!

After using the moisturizer soap, I also feel that my skin improves! Still feel the itchiness but not as much as before!
Hope it will be better....


These days, there are so many problems in my big family. Someone came into our life. At first, she was welcome. Later, everybody but me hates her. I don't understand why. And the more confusing is, when everybody seems hating her, they also force me to hate her. It's ridiculous. I don't know why I should hate her for no reason?
The most annoying thing is when one of my relative asked me to prevent her. I said I don't need to do that since I don't have any problem with her. Then she told my family about that with different version which totally unfair. It made my family angry and I also got angry. It's like burning a barrel of oil. I hate that.

Those problems make me couldn't concentrate in class. I couldn't catch what my professor said in class. It's definitely annoying. Damn it. What the hell. Hope this problems solved soon. May God be with me.