Monday, August 31, 2009

Minggu pertama di Preschool

Bulan Juni kemarin, tepat 3 tahun usia Jerome anakku. Kami memutuskan saatnya Jerome masuk sekolah, karena batas usia seorang anak untuk masuk preschool di Orchard Down Preschool adalah 3 tahun.
6 bulan sebelumnya, Jerome menghabiskan hari-harinya di daycare, dan melihat perkembangannya, sepertinya lebih baik kalau Jerome ke preschool daripada meneruskan daycare-nya.

Sebelumnya, ada begitu banyak kekhawatiranku sebagai seorang ibu. Aku khawatir Jerome akan menangis terus selama lebih dari seminggu, padahal seorang teman pernah bercerita kalau si anak masih menangis lebih dari seminggu maka si anak akan dipulangkan dan dianggap belum layak sekolah.

Kekhawatiran berikutnya, pengalaman waktu di daycare, Jerome gak pernah bilang ke babysitter-nya kalau Jerome mau pup. Akhirnya selalu pup di diapers padahal selain di daycare, Jerome gak pernah lagi pake diapers, bahkan ketika jalan-jalan keluar kota. Jerome sudah mampu menahan pis atau pup-nya sampai kami menemukan rest area atau rest room. Tapi di daycare, Jerome tak pernah memberitahu babysitter-nya kalau ada keinginan untuk pup. Padahal di daycare ini, anak sudah harus toilet trained, dalam arti, minimal si anak sudah bisa memberitahu gurunya kalau dia ingin pis atau pup, jadi gak kebablasan di celana.

Dua hal tersebut adalah kekhawatiran terbesarku yang membuatku uring-uringan beberapa minggu hingga Papap bolak balik berusaha menenangkanku dan bilang semua akan baik-baik aja. Masalahnya, kalau sampai Jerome "dikeluarkan" dari preschool itu karna dianggap belum layak, maka aku harus mencari preschool lain yg jelas lebih mahal dan lebih jauh. Orchard Down Preschool ini konon kabarnya paling murah di Urbana-Champaign, biayanya USD380.00 per month + uang pendaftaran USD50.00. Biaya itu untuk kelas full-day dari senin sampai jumat, dari jam 8.30 am sampai 3.00 pm plus ada additional activity khusus bagi penghuni Orchard Down, dari jam 3.00 - 5.30 pm. Lumayan banget kan? Jerome bisa main sepuasnya dari jam 8.30 am - 5.30 pm. Biaya itu memang murah....Kami pernah survey beberapa preschool, ada yang USD800/month...glek....bisa puasa senin kemis ntar...Selain itu, Orchard Down Preschool itu benar-benar sangat dekat dengan apartemen kami, hanya sepelemparan batu. Cukup berjalan kaki 2 menit.

Tanggal 24 Agustus 2009 adalah hari pertama Fall Semester, juga hari pertama preschool karena kegiatan di preschool ini disesuaikan dengan kegiatan kampus (Orchard Down Preschool adalah preschool milik kampus dan Orchard Down adalah kompleks apartemen bagi mahasiswa yang juga properti kampus). Kebetulan kuliahku jam 5 sore, maka aku punya kesempatan untuk menemani Jerome seharian di hari pertama sekolahnya.

Hari 1
Jerome aku temani seharian dan tak beranjak sesenti pun dariku. Oh nooo...semoga ini tak berlangsung lama. Kegiatannya: cuci tangan, menyanyi (nama-nama hari), membaca buku, bermain di playground, makan siang dan tidur siang. Jerome hanya menghabiskan sepotong roti jatah makan siangnya, padahal selain itu juga disediakan chicken leg, nenas potong dan jagung pipilan plus susu. Jelas kelihatan yummy, tapi Jerome tak tertarik. Huh...sayang deh...

Ketika bermain di playground, Jerome berani sendiri tanpa menggandeng tanganku, tapi dia tetap mengawasiku dan memastikan aku masih ada disitu....

Jam tidur siang, semua anak berbaring dengan patuh di ranjang masing-masing (hmmm...sebetulnya bukan ranjang tapi semacam trampolin) dan perlahan-lahan tertidur. Ms.Debby menjaga anak-anak yang tidur siang dan Ms.Debby dengan tegas menyuruh anak untuk diam kalau ada yang berisik, dan tak boleh ada anak yang tak berbaring. Ajaib, akhirnya semua anak tertidur pulas!
Setelah Jerome tertidur, aku pun pulang ke apartemen karena belum makan siang. Aku putuskan untuk meninggalkan Jerome karena akan menjemputnya jam 3 setelah bangun. Aku dan papap menunggu di luar gedung dari jam 2.30pm, sambil berjaga-jaga kalau-kalau mendengar teriakan Jerome. Ternyata tak ada teriakan atau tangisan. Kamipun masuk dan menjemput Jerome, dan Jerome sedang asyik bermain bersama teman-teman lain! Wah ternyata dia tidak menangis meski terbangun tanpa mendapati kami di sekitarnya....

Beberapa anak masih ditemani orangtuanya seharian, seperti Clara (dari Brazil, dengan Mamanya aku langsung akrab karena bahasa inggrisnya sudah bagus banget, lumayan buat latihan menambah kosa kata).
Guru yang mengajar full-day class ada 2, Ms.Bryan dan Ms.Debby ditemani seorang asisten, Ms.Lee.

Hari 2
Kebetulan aku ada kuliah jam 10.30 sehingga tak bisa mengantar Jerome ke sekolah. Papap pun bertugas mengantar dan menemani Jerome. Kalau aku serba tak tega, maka Papap cenderung lebih tegas. Papap tak mau digandeng Jerome terus-terusan. Papap mengajarkan Jerome cuci tangan sendiri, main sendiri, kalau ada permainan yang dia ingin tau bagaimana cara memainkannya, Papap menyuruh Jerome untuk bertanya pada Ms. Debby dan Jerome pun melakukannya!
Mulai ada banyak kemajuan. Jerome tak lagi menggelayut terus ke Papap tapi mulai berani bertanya pada gurunya dan bermain bersama teman-temannya. Dia juga menghabiskan makan siangnya! Mungkin karena melihat teman-temannya makan dengan lahap, Jerome jadi ikut lahap...good boy!

Malamnya, aku harus menghadiri pertemuan orangtua, membahas segala hal mengenai preschool ini dan orangtua boleh bertanya mengenai apapun. Dari hasil pertemuan itu, guru menginformasikan hal-hal berikut:
-Setiap anak akan mendapatkan peer bulanan dan anak yang harus mengerjakan, bukan orangtuanya.
-Setiap orangtua juga harus menyiapkan 2 pasang pakaian ganti di keranjang masing-masing anak, sepasang baju lengan pendek dan celana pendek untuk cuaca panas dan sepasang baju lengan panjang dan celana panjang untuk jaga-jaga kalau cuaca tiba-tiba dingin. Selain itu juga disiapkan pakaian dalam dan kaus kaki.
-Orangtua juga dihimbau untuk menyiapkan selimut dan bantal untuk dipakai anak ketika tidur siang.
-Orangtua juga diwajibkan menyediakan camilan ringan untuk semua anak tapi hanya sekali sebulan.
-Kami diberi jadwal kegiatan anak-anak selama 1 semester, diketik di kertas kecil untuk ditempel di kulkas.
-Kegiatan preschool benar-benar disesuaikan dengan jadwal kampus. Apabila kampus tutup, misalnya hari libur, maka preschool juga tutup. Ketika cuaca sangat buruk, misalnya ada badai salju, maka kampus dan preschool juga tutup.

Selesai pertemuan, aku mendekati Ms. Sarah, salah satu pengurus, menanyakan hal-hal yang mengkhawatirkanku. Kupikir lebih baik bertanya daripada dipendam dalam hati.

Aku: "Ms. Sarah....I worry about my son, Jerome. He went to a daycare before, and the babysitter said that Jerome never talked to her, even when he wanted to go pee or poop.....I heard from my friend that in this preschool, a child should be toilet-trained and I worry that you will kick him off if he failed...."

Ms.Sarah: "Oh...don't worry about it, mommy...we will teach him how to do that....that's what we do here...."

wah....lega rasanya....jadi informasi yang mengatakan kalau anak akan dikeluarkan jika belum toilet trained itu ternyata tidak 100% benar....

Hari 3
Aku kuliah jam 5 sore lagi, jadi kali ini aku yang mengantar Jerome ke sekolah. Sampai di sekolah, Ms.Debby cerita,"yesterday Jerome was really nice....he smiled and joined the activity...he didn't cry at all"....oh senangnya....
Baru 5 menit aku menemani Jerome, Ms.Debby bilang, " should go home now...Jerome will be fine..." dan Ms. Debby juga bilang ke Jerome, "Jerome....mommy should go home now....ok?"
Awalnya aku ragu, tapi kuputuskan untuk patuh dan tegas, jadi akupun melepaskan tangan Jerome dan segera berlalu dari ruangan itu, tapi aku menunggu di luar sambil mendengarkan dengan seksama.
Saat itu, Clara si gadis kecil brazil sedang menjerit-jerit dan menangis keras karna ditinggal mamanya. Mamanya juga memutuskan untuk meninggalkan Clara di preschool tanpa ditemani. Terhalang oleh jeritan Clara, aku tak mampu mendengar apakah Jerome pun menangis atau tidak. Sesaat kudengar Jerome menangis, tapi tak lama. Tiba-tiba Ms.Debby berjalan ke arah toilet dengan menggandeng Jerome! Aku yang sedang berada di dekat toilet itu segera melarikan diri keluar, supaya tak terlihat Jerome. Wah ternyata Jerome sudah tidak menangis!
Maka akupun segera pulang dan menceritakan hal itu ke Papap.

Sorenya, Papap menjemput Jerome ke preschool dan bercerita kalau Jerome ternyata pup di sekolah tapi gak bilang ke Miss-nya. Jadi Jerome pup di diaper (sengaja aku masih memakaikan diaper selama Jerome di preschool, untuk menghindari kecelakaan sperti ini). Wah aku langsung sedih dan uring-uringan. Kekhawatiranku muncul lagi, sampai kapan mereka toleran terhadap keadaan itu ya...
Sepulang dari kampus, aku berpesan pada Jerome berulang-ulang, supaya kalau dia ingin pup harus bilang ke Miss-nya. Semoga Jerome mengerti....

Hari 4
Papap mengantar Jerome ke preschool dan segera meninggalkannya. Jerome tidak merengek2 atau memberontak loh...

Hari ini jadwal kami menyiapkan surat keterangan kesehatan Jerome, sayangnya kantor tempat mengurus surat itu yang ada di Orchard Down tutup, maka kami ke preschool dan menyampaikan hal itu ke gurunya. Saat itu ada Ms.Debby dan Ms.Debby bilang, "Please....don't let Jerome see you..."
Akupun bilang ke Ms.Debby supaya jangan khawatir, kami sengaja menyembunyikan diri dari pandangan Jerome. Kami lihat Jerome sedang asyik bermain di playground dan tidak menangis!

Sorenya, setelah dijemput, Ms.Lee bercerita kalau sore itu Jerome mendekati Ms.Lee dan bilang, "Ms.Lee....poop...Ms.Lee...." oh ternyata Jerome mengikuti saranku....Dia sudah berani bilang ke Miss-nya kalau ingin pup! ah senangnya....
Papap juga bercerita, ketika dijemput, Jerome sedang asyik bermain komputer, salah satu sarana yang memang disediakan preschool itu. Jerome tak terlihat rewel, malah tenang dan kelihatan sudah senang di preschool itu...wah tak disangka, cepat sekali adaptasinya....waktu pertama kali masuk daycare, perlu seminggu meninggalkan Jerome tanpa diiringi jerit tangis. Ternyata di preschool, hanya 3 hari.

Hari 5
Kami mengantar Jerome ke preschool dan dia terlihat santai dan malah sangat antusias! wah....dia benar-benar sudah beradaptasi dengan sekolahnya....senangnya hatiku....
Jadi apa yang aku khawatirkan sebelumnya, jelas tidak terbukti.
Jerome tidak menangis meski kami tak ada di sampingnya. Dia juga sudah berani berkomunikasi dengan gurunya dan berani bicara langsung ke Miss-nya kalau ingin pup. Untuk pis dia sudah bisa sendiri.

Senang hatiku karena Jerome bisa betah di sekolah barunya. Perkembangannya juga sudah terlihat, antara lain dia sudah bisa bersosialisasi, tidak hanya bermain sendiri seperti sebelumnya.
Jerome juga tidak susah tidur siang sekarang. Selain itu, tidur malam juga cepat, jam 10 sudah tidur, mungkin karna kegiatan di preschool banyak jadi dia bisa tidur pulas kalau malam karena sudah capek.
Keputusan memasukkannya ke preschool memang tepat.

Fall Semester 2009

Currently, I am taking 3 courses;

The Theory of Monetary Policy,
International Business Economics, and
Topics in International Economics: Course on Financial Crisis

Hmm...last semester, I mean on Spring, I took International Financial Economics. While on Summer, I took Monetary Theory.

So far, I have been taking 3 courses about International Economics....and I hope I will get more knowledge and deepen my thought.

I just realized that I really like any course about International Economics. For me, it is really interesting, since I have been working in a central bank for about 6 years and got along very well with the Balance of Payments which is also interesting (although sometimes confusing....LOL).

The fall semester has just begun last week and I have charged my spirit up after traveling to some states and got ready to start the new semester with new energy...


August 30th, 2009


God is real, no matter how you feel.

It is easy to worship God when things are going great in your life – when He has provided food, friends, family, health and happy situations. But circumstances are not always pleasant. How do you worship then? What do you do when God seems a million miles away?

The deepest level of worship is praising God in spite of pain, thanking God during a trial, trusting Him when tempted, surrendering while suffering, and loving Him when He seems distant.

Friendships are often tested by separation and silence; you are divided by physical distance or you are unable to talk. In your friendship with God, you won’t always feel close to Him.
Philip Yancey has wisely noted, “Any relationship involves times of closeness and time of distance, and in a relationship with God, no matter how intimate, the pendulum will swing from one side to the other.” That’s when worship gets difficult.

To mature your friendship, God will test it with periods of seeming separation – times when it feels as if He has abandoned or forgotten you. God feels a million miles away.
Of course, God doesn't leave us. He has promised repeatedly, “I will never leave nor forsake you.” But God has not promised “you will always feel my presence.” In fact, God admits that sometimes He hides His face from us. There are times when he appears to be MIA, missing-in-action, in your life.

Floyd McClung describes it: ”You wake up one morning and all your spiritual feelings are gone. You pray but nothing happens. You rebuke the devil, but it doesn’t change anything. You go through spiritual exercises… have your friends pray for you… confess every sin you can imagine, then go around asking forgiveness of everyone you know. You fast…still nothing. You begin to wonder how long this spiritual gloom might last. Days? Weeks? Months? Will it ever end? …it feels as if your prayers simply bounce off the ceiling. In utter desperation, you cry out, “What’s the matter with me????”

The truth is, there’s nothing wrong with you! This is a normal part of the testing and maturing of your friendship with God. Every Christian goes through it at least once, and usually several times. It is painful and disconcerting, but it is absolutely vital for the development of your faith. Knowing this gave Job hope when he could not feel God’s presence in his life.

He said, “I go east, but he is not there. I go west, but I cannot find him. I do not see him in the north, for he is hidden. I turn to the south, but I cannot find him. But he knows where I am going. And when he has tested me like gold in a fire, he will pronounce me innocent.”

When God seems distant, you may feel that He is angry with or is disciplining you for some sin. In fact, sin does disconnect us from intimate fellowship with God. We grieve God’s spirit and quench our fellowship with him by disobedience, conflict with others, busyness, friendship with the world, and other sins.

But often this feeling of abandonment or estrangement from God has nothing to do with sin. It is a test of faith – one we all must face: will you continue to love, trust, obey, and worship God, even when you have no sense of his presence or visible evidence of his work in your life?

The most common mistake we make in worship today is seeking an experience rather than seeking God. The look for a feeling, and if it happens, they conclude that they have worshiped. Wrong! In fact, God often removes our feelings so we won’t depend on them. Seeking a feeling, even the feeling of closeness to God, is not worship.

God’s omnipresence and the manifestation of his presence are two different things. One is a fact; the other is often a feeling.

(to be continued)

~ Ch.14 - When God Seems Distant - The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren ~

Des Moines, Iowa
August 13, 2009

The next Tiger Woods....

Yesterday, as usual, my husband John wanted to play golf at Stone Creek. Jerome, my 3-year-old little boy, didn't want to stay at home without his daddy. So when John was ready to go, Jerome also prepared to go; wearing his own shoes by himself, took his cap and went to the door and asked his dad to be hurry...:)

John couldn't refused him and then they went together and I just stayed at home and did my favorite things: cooking and watching the food networks channel....:)

John plays golf anywhere, in the golf course area, in the backyard, or even in the living room and so does Jerome. But yesterday was Jerome's first time to play golf in a real golf course area, Stone Creek Golf Club at Urbana IL, where his daddy is a member.

John took Jerome's pictures and it made me laugh....oh my!!! he is not a baby anymore.....:)

He tried hard to hit the ball again and again and again....and finally he made it!!
He really looked like Tiger Woods, didn't he? (well, honestly I've never seen Tiger Woods playing golf, but he started playing golf when he was 3 as well)

For sure, playing golf is so exhausted....he drank a lot of water all the time after he finished it!!!

Arriving at home, he told me proudly about what he had done and showed me again how he played's awesome!
You can be whatever you want to be, baby...

Summer Course 2009

The summer course 2009 is finally over!!! yay.....

It started on June 15th and was over on August 7, just now!
Wow...can't believe it....
One of the course I took was Computable General Equilibrium Modeling....
We didn't have any exam but we got so many homeworks (2 each week) and pop quizzes (2 almost every day!).....
It was really challenging....
But finally I could enjoy it and it was fun!
It took time to do every homework.
The homeworks consisted of individual homeworks and group project homeworks.
The most difficult part was the group project homeworks since we couldn't choose who would be your team members. The professor did it. Therefore, you just accepted who were your team member.
And it was not fun at all.
You are lucky if you got cooperative friends as your team members. Unfortunately I was not that lucky. Anyway, it is over now...
I can feel my freedom now and ready to go for vacation!!!!!

Ingatlah selalu....

Bersyukurlah dalam segala hal.
Pikirkanlah apa yang engkau miliki.
Jangan memikirkan apa yang tidak engkau miliki,
karena itu hanya akan membuatmu terus menerus cemas
dan itu tidak ada gunanya.

-dari Chicken Soup-

Urbana, 1 Agustus 2009

Jaman sekolah dulu....

Di saat sedang berjibaku dengan tugas2 kuliah sperti sekarang ini, aku jadi teringat usaha dan semangat temen2 jaman sekolah dulu...lumayan membangkitkan semangatku juga...

Purnama yang langganan juara kelas waktu SD (SD St. Antonius II Medan) dan SMP (SMP St Thomas 1 Medan)...selalu karatan di kursi juara pertama. Dulu waktu SD, kalo pelajaran belajar membaca, ibu guru selalu menyuruh Purnama untuk membaca karna Purnama yang paling lancar diantara kami semua....sementara aku waktu itu deg2an berharap untuk tidak disuruh membaca karna dengan disuruh membaca maka aku akan menjadi pusat perhatian dan itu membuatku gugup hingga akhirnya malah membuatku membaca dengan terbata-bata dan gagap...

Waktu SMA (SMAN 4 Medan), Winda karatan di bangku juara pertama. Aku ingat, Winda waktu itu menumpang di rumah saudaranya, rumah yang amat minimalis, lebih tepat disebut paviliun. Di rumah minimalis itu hanya ada 1 ruang selain kamar tidur, dan di ruang itulah segala aktivitas umum dilakukan seperti makan, belajar, nonton tivi, menerima tamu dlsb. Winda juga memanfaatkan ruang sempit itu untuk belajar sementara di sekitarnya begitu banyak distorsi, dari mulai suara tivi dan suara saudaranya yang asyik mengobrol. Tapi kendala-kendala itu tak menyurutkan semangat belajar Winda hingga dengan segala kesederhanaannya, Winda langganan jadi juara bertahan di posisi pertama dari kelas 1 sampai 3.

Di kelas 2 dan 3, aku sebangku dengan Santi Manurung....Santi juga langganan juara 2 atau juara 3, kejar-kejaran dengan Anwar. Santi sangat inspiratif..aku ingat, Santi slalu bangun subuh untuk belajar, dengan segala keterbatasan yang ada tapi dia mampu berprestasi di kelas. Santi tinggal di sebuah rumah yang dihuni bersama tulang dan abangnya, nun jauh di simalingkar. Tapi itu pun tak menyurutkan semangat belajar Santi. Aku ingat, kalau aku kesusahan, Santi dengan sangat jelas menerangkan hal-hal yang tidak kupahami hingga aku pun akhirnya mengerti. Santi selalu aku repotkan dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan konyolku yang mungkin buat Santi mestinya anak SD juga tau....hahahaha...
Untung ada Santi, kalau tidak, mungkin aku tinggal kelas waktu SMA...hehehe...
Thanks ya San...

Ada juga Agus (Agustina Purba) yang berstatus anak kos (aku suka sekali dengan kamar kosnya di daerah Padang Bulan). Agus rajin belajar, dengan menyiapkan cemilan-cemilan yang menggugah selera, mampu menemaninya menggauli buku-buku pelajaran. Aku mencoba meniru cara belajar Agus dengan menyiapkan camilan, tapi yang terjadi adalah camilan habis tapi belajarnya tak kunjung usai...hehehe...

Di UGM (jurusan IESP), aku kembali bertemu dengan orang-orang pintar yang juga menginspirasiku untuk tekun belajar.
Ada Iing, Susi dan Nana yang IPK-nya tak pernah di bawah 3,5.
Ada Sunji yang juga sangat rajin belajar.
Ika yang rajin membuat semacam risalah di beberapa lembar kertas sehingga proses belajar jadi lebih mudah (ini yg aku tiru sekarang, biar gak perlu bawa buku tebal kemana2).
Imas dan Anis juga sangat rajin dan usahanya patut ditiru dan diacungin jempol kiri kanan atas bawah.

Ah....kenangan sekolah dulu benar-benar melekat di kepalaku hingga saat ini dan bersyukur aku dikelilingi teman-teman yang pintar dan rajin hingga mampu membangkitkan semangat belajarku...
Dari mereka-mereka ini aku belajar bahwa tak ada keberhasilan yang bisa diraih tanpa usaha dan kerja keras!

skarang waktunya ku kembali ke buku-buku pelajaran dan peer-peer...
ayo Frida...semangat!!!!

1 Agustus 2009

Querido Dios....

Querido Dios, por favor, danos tu milagro....

Algo malo que nos pasó.

Realmente necesitamos el milagro de Dios.

Yo necesito un milagro.

Ayúdenme por favor....

Gracias a Dios.

28 de Julio, 2009

Dengan bahasa cinta...

Tak ada musuh yang tak dapat ditaklukkan oleh cinta.

Tak ada penyakit yang tak dapat disembuhkan oleh kasih sayang.

Tak ada permusuhan yang tak dapat dimaafkan oleh ketulusan.

Tak ada kesulitan yang tak dapat dipecahkan oleh ketekunan.

Tak ada batu keras yang tak dapat dipecahkan oleh kesabaran.

Semua itu haruslah berasal dari hati anda.

Bicaralah dengan bahasa hati, maka akan sampai ke hati pula.

Kesuksesan bukan semata-mata betapa keras otot dan betapa tajam otak anda,

namun juga betapa lembut hati anda dalam menjalani segala sesuatunya.

sumber: tidak diketahui.

Kupersembahkan untuk semua orang yang aku kasihi...

27 Juli 2009

My deep condolence

On Saturday the July 25th 2009, my husband's grandma had passed away after being hospitalized for 4 days.
She will be 90 on August 17th 2009.
God love her so much for giving her a very long life.
My husband and I are really sorry that we could not come to her funeral.
We believe that she is rest in peace now.
May God bless her and the whole big family.

PS: Special thanks to Bohye, Kibona, Alex and Hyun for praying her.
God bless you all.

July 26th 2009.

My Mom's birthday

Today (July 17th, 2009 - in Indonesia) is my mom's birthday...
Happy Birthday, Mom...I love you so much...

Dear Lord, thank you for all the things that you have given to her...
Thank you for giving me such a wonderful mother...
and thank you for all your blessing...

She raised us with her love and kindness...
She lost her husband (my dad) 21 years ago, has been a widow when she was 42, never got married again while she had to raise 5 money and jobless...
and she made it! We grew up as wonderful kids and improved our lives even though still not perfect...
We are so proud of her!

Therefore, dear Lord, please give her a long life...
give her happiness...
bless her...
keep her healthy...
and give us more opportunities to make her happy....

please Lord...I really love her so much...
I still can't make her happy...
I still have a lot of plans for her...
so please give me more time to spend together with her...


Urbana, IL
July 16th, 2009

Thought of the day

Sometimes life does not exactly happen as what we expect.
When something bad happens, keep praying to God and keep believing that He will make everything beautiful in His time....

July 16th, 2009

After almost a year.....

After almost a year, I can enjoy my time of being a student!
Gee! what took me so long?

At first, I was graduated from Gadjah Mada University in 1999 and I have worked for 8 years. For sure, it is not easy to change your mind set from being an employee to be a student again. While more than a half of my friends are is not comparable though....

Second, I came to the U.S. with my husband and son, and here, we should do anything by ourselves. Means, doing all of the house working like cooking, cloth-washing, dish-washing, cleaning, etc, something that I had never done before...(In Indonesia, it is common to have a maid(s) to help us doing house working since the wage is affordable).
Therefore, I should be able to use my time wisely; like studying, doing house working and taking care of my husband and son at the same time. Yup, it's like multitasking but not in the office :)

Third, I should be able to deal with the culture shock. was a disaster..
Talking with other students (we are all international students) with the same weakness in speaking English was really a disaster....hahaha.....
It is like you don't understand them and they can't understand you! LOL
We came from a different background, language, country and behavior. Sometimes, we tend to explain something with our own way which is different with other country's it was totally confusing, especially when I wanted to discuss a homework or a lecture with friends.
The more I asked them, the more I got confused!

Misunderstanding was not only between international students. Sometimes when I talked with an American in a public area and he spoke very fast, I was confused and couldn't get his point...and it made me nervous...I really wanted to run away far from him! hahahaha....

Fourth, following all the lectures in English was much much challenging...yeah, you should be able to listen to the professor, write your own note (sometimes I just wrote my notes in Bahasa, not in English, which is faster to me), understand the professor's handwriting (the worse thing is you even couldn't read yours as well), read the thick text books, do a ton of home works that makes you can't sleep well every night....yes, it's true! I was sleepless and if I couldn't keep my eyes open in the class, I just laid my head on my arms while the professor was teaching....and I was not alone...some students did it.
What surprising me is the professor is never angry when he sees his student(s) sleeping in the class, and I ever found that one of them was even snoring...hahaha...

I spent my whole life in the library, studying and studying and couldn't do anything but studying. Again, it was challenging because I had to leave my son and my husband at home....It was really bad and unfair....but what else can I do? I didn't have many choices....
(Thank you so very much, my love...I will never never ever forget all of your sacrifices!)

Sometimes a friend invited me to a potluck (either dinner or lunch) or a kind of party, while the home works buried me deeply...oh drove me can I deal with all of these things??? Even 24 hours were never enough for me!
Refusing an invitation is rude, but who will do the home works???
It was really really tough, and sometimes I just skipped the invitation since the main goal of being here is study....sorry guys....

Now, after almost a year, here I am...enjoying all of the things that I get here...
I like the school, the libraries, the materials, the home works, the environment...
I adore all of my friends and the professors (I like making friends!), the foods (well, sometimes it sucks), the spring-summer-fall except the killing winter...
I love my apartment, the playgrounds, the laundry room, the bus stop, the MTD, the street, the trees, the flowers, the squirrels, the grass and so on and so forth...
Although it is flat, means no mountain no beach, but I love it!

Suddenly I realized I only have 6 more months here...well, for sure I'm gonna miss them all someday....
The main library, the Engineering Library, the Undergraduate Library, the Union, the apartment, the playground, the class rooms, the very fast internet connection, the Orchard Down, the stone creek church, the pastors, the coffee shop, the groceries (Wal-Mart, Meijer, Green Onion, Far East, Am-Ko, County Market)...
I'm gonna miss all of the tears and sorrows, the days I spent in the library (sometimes
until 5 am!), the lectures, the people, the friendship with all the Indonesian friends who stay here....
(oh...I can't stop my tears from falling now)....

I should go back to Indonesia, but a big part of my heart is left here, in Urbana-Champaign, forever.....

Time really flies so fast.....

July 6th, 2009

Rahasia Terbesar di Dunia

Jika aku sedih, aku akan tertawa.

Jika aku tertekan, aku akan menyanyi.

Jika aku berkelimpahan, kupikir akan masa kekuranganku yang lalu.

Jika aku miskin, kupikir kekayaan yang mendatang.

Jika aku merasa sangat berkuasa, kucoba menghentikan angin.

Jika merasa terlalu percaya, kuingat kegagalan masa laluku.

Jika merasa tidak mampu, kuingat sukses masa laluku.

Jika aku mendapat kekayaan berlimpah, kuingat mulut-mulut yang kelaparan.

Jika aku terlalu bangga kuingat saat-saat aku lemah.

Jika aku menikmati masa kejayaan, kuingat saat yang memalukan.


A lesson

Many things happened in our lives.
Sometimes good, sometimes bad.
People come and go.
Sometimes you like them, sometimes not.

I got a very important lesson these days.
I just realized that nobody can be trusted.

Only Jesus.

He is the only one that I can trust.
He is the only one I can share with.
He is my savior.
He heals my pain.
He relieves my burden.
He lifts me up.

Thank you Jesus for being a very good friend of mine.

July 1st, 2009

Our first anniversary

Today is June 22nd 2009 and it is Firman and Laili's first wedding anniversary....
Congratulations to both of you!!!!

It reminds me of my own-first-wedding anniversary, which was on August 6th, 2006, it's about 3 years ago...
At the time, our little Jerome was almost 2 months. Me and my husband planned to go out for a romantic dinner to celebrate our first anniversary...My mom (who just came from Medan) was at my home, and also there were a baby sitter and a maid.
So, I thought it's OK to go out for a while because Jerome would be safe at home.

Me and my husband prepared ourselves for the dinner and were ready to go until, suddenly, our cute little prince Jerome, cried and being cranky....At first, I tried to tell him that we just wanted to go out for a while. I also breastfed him to make him sleeping, but it didn't work.
Then my mom and the baby sitter tried to calm him down, cradled and lulled him, and again, it didn't work. took about an hour and it was almost 8 pm...You know, in Jakarta, you need at least 1 hour to reach any place.
Jerome was still crying and crying and nothing could stop him.

My husband massaged Jerome's foots but he was still crying. Then my husband said that we should stay at home with Jerome because Jerome looked unhappy if we left him alone, even though there were my mom, a baby sitter and a maid at our home.

And you know what? After Jerome heard his Dad's words, Jerome suddenly stopped crying! He looked at us happily.... was so it's true that he didn't want us to leave him alone...(it's also difficult to go out with him because he was just almost 2 months!)

Finally we just stayed at home, gathered with Jerome and watched him sleeping peacefully...
That moment was one of the most unforgettable moment in our marriage life...

June 22nd, 2009

Kritis sebagai pasien

Membaca pengalaman Ibu Prita di RSOI, saya teringat pengalaman saya sendiri 3 tahun yang lalu.
Ketika itu saya sedang hamil anak saya Jerome, sekitar 9 bulan. Suami saya mengalami demam tinggi dan memutuskan untuk ke rumah sakit. Suami saya juga sudah memutuskan untuk dirawat inap saja, apapun penyakitnya, supaya bisa beristirahat dengan total (bed rest) dan kembali fit sebagai persiapan menyambut kelahiran anak pertama kami. Dari rumah, kami sudah mempersiapkan tas berisi pakaian ganti untuk beberapa hari dan perlengkapan harian lainnya. Maka kamipun menuju salah satu rumah sakit di daerah Jakarta Selatan (nama dan tempat sengaja dirahasiakan demi menghindari tuntutan pencemaran nama baik).

Setibanya kami di bagian gawat darurat, tekanan darah suami saya diperiksa, darahnya diambil untuk dicek Hb dll. Kemudian, suami saya dibawa ke kamar untuk rawat inap dan kami memilih kamar VIP untuk kenyamanan bersama supaya keluarga bisa menemani.

Saat itu, penyakit suami saya belum diketahui dengan pasti, masih menunggu hasil tes darah. Selang beberapa jam setelah suami dan saya berada di kamar, seorang perawat datang dan bersiap-siap menyuntikkan sesuatu ke tubuh suami saya. Sebelum perawat (suster) menyuntikkan sesuatu itu, saya pun bertanya,"itu apa suster?"
Si perawat menjawab,"antibiotik, Bu...harganya sekian juta (saya lupa persisnya)"
Saya pun terkaget-kaget, kok suami saya yang belum ketahuan penyakitnya apa sudah diputuskan untuk diberi antibiotik? harganya jutaan pula....
Lalu saya bertanya lagi,"memangnya sudah ketauan sakitnya apa? Lalu kenapa antibiotiknya yang dalam bentuk suntikan? kenapa tidak yang tablet saja?"
Si suster tak mampu menjawab dengan jelas, hanya bergumam bahwa itu adalah perintah dokter.
Saya yang pada dasarnya lembut dan berkepribadian menarik, tiba-tiba tersulut emosi. Kata saya,"Wah enak aja main suntik...apa karna kami di kamar VIP trus antibiotiknya pun harus yang mahal? emangnya apa bedanya antibiotik yang suntik dengan antibiotik tablet?"
Suster:"kalau yang tablet lebih lama, Bu...harus diminum rutin 5 hari. Kalau yang suntik cukup 3 hari.."
Saya:"kami gak masalah kalo memang harus minum antibiotik 5 hari. Kenapa kami tidak diberi pilihan, kenapa kalian langsung memutuskan sendiri? Lagipula, kenapa langsung disuntik antibiotik sedangkan sakitnya aja belum ketahuan????" Saya benar-benar emosi (tapi dalam hati komat-kamit berdoa semoga tidak terjadi apa-apa dengan kehamilan saya)....
Suster: "Baik Bu, kalo Ibu tidak bersedia, Ibu harus tanda tangani surat pernyataan yang menyatakan Ibu tidak bersedia suami Ibu diberi obat atas perintah dokter"
Saya:"Oke....mana suratnya? mana?? sini biar saya tanda tangani...." sambil membuat gerakan tangan yang sedang menandatangani surat perjanjian Linggarjati.

Si suster pun berlalu dan kami menunggu hingga akhirnya dia datang lagi dengan sepucuk surat, saya baca dan saya tanda tangani. Saya tak perduli. Suami saya yang sedari tadi diam, semakin diam dan hanya pasrah tak berdaya. Mungkin dia juga takut kena semprot istrinya yang biasanya berperangai halus tiba-tiba berubah galak bagaikan Sumanto sehabis menyantap sarapan orok....

Keesokan hari, hasil tes darah menunjukkan kalau suami saya menderita demam berdarah. Hari itu, mama mertua dan tante suami saya datang dan ikut menemani di RS. Setelah diketahui bahwa suami saya ternyata mengidap demam berdarah, saya merasa "lega" telah menolak suntikan "maut" si suster karena demam berdarah disebabkan oleh virus, sedangkan antibiotik hanya bisa membunuh bakteri, bukan virus. Buat apa saya membuang uang jutaan rupiah untuk sesuatu yang jelas tidak berguna, kan?
Saat itu saya kerap berkonsultasi via sms dengan rekan kantor, Ibu Riza, yang banyak memberi informasi penting dan bermanfaat dan saya percaya dengan informasinya.

Selama dirawat di RS, tante suami saya rutin membawakan jus jambu biji setiap hari, dan setelah 3 hari, Hb darah suami saya pun kembali normal dan kami diijinkan untuk pulang.
Saya pun lega, suami kembali sehat, mama mertua dan tante ikut senang.

Demikianlah pengalaman saya saat berhubungan dengan RS yang saat ini cenderung komersil, kita sebagai pasien sebaiknya harus kritis. Saya juga mendapat banyak pengalaman dan informasi berharga, terutama setelah banyak berkonsultasi dengan Ibu Riza yang cerdas dan kritis.

Sebagai pasien, kita berhak tau obat apa yang diberikan kepada kita, kenapa dokter memberikan obat itu, dan apa efek sampingnya bagi kita.

Sebagai pasien, kita juga harus tau apakah tubuh kita mempunyai alergi terhadap obat tertentu, sebab jika ternyata alergi, akan sangat fatal akibatnya.

Sebagai pasien, kita berhak bertanya apa saja mengenai penyakit kita, dan dokter yang baik akan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan kita dengan jelas dan lengkap, tidak terburu-buru dan tidak terkesan sok. Pernah saya punya pengalaman dengan seorang dokter, yang ketika saya bertanya tentang penyakit saya, beliau menjawab,"kalau Ibu ingin tau, Ibu kuliah kedokteran saja dulu"..waks...saya putuskan untuk tidak lagi berobat kepadanya....Kita sebagai pasien sudah membayar mahal untuk biaya bertemu dokter, mengapa kita tidak boleh tau tentang penyakit kita? Saat ini, di Jakarta, untuk berkonsultasi dengan seorang dokter spesialis, rata-rata biayanya sekitar Rp 100.000 - 150.000 dan jumlah itu tidak termasuk biaya obat. Itu sebabnya, dengan membayar biaya sebesar itu, kita berhak tau tentang penyakit kita. Supaya tidak lupa, biasanya saya menyiapkan selembar kertas dari rumah berisi daftar pertanyaan-pertanyaan saya. Saya juga menyiapkan pulpen untuk menulis jawaban dari dokter.

Sebagai pasien, kita juga sebaiknya tidak langsung membeli semua obat yang dituliskan dengan lancar oleh seorang dokter untuk dibeli. Ada baiknya kita mencari second, third, fourth atau x-th opinion jika hasil konsultasi dengan dokter meragukan. Jika ternyata second, third, fourth atau x-th opinion hasilnya berbeda-beda, kita patut waspada dan mencoba mencari informasi dari internet, dan kalau punya rejeki berlebih, sebaiknya berobat ke luar negeri, bisa ke Penang Malaysia atau Singapore.

Sebagai pasien, ketika demam, ada baiknya kita menunggu beberapa hari, jika hari ketiga masih demam, barulah kita ke dokter. Jangan terburu-buru ke dokter supaya diagnosisnya lebih akurat.

Berdasarkan pengalaman saya selama tinggal di Amerika, saya melihat bahwa seorang dokter tidak begitu saja memberi obat kepada pasien yang sakit. Pengalaman seorang teman, ketika anaknya demam dan dibawa ke dokter, dokter menyuruh mereka pulang dan berpesan supaya si anak diberi minum yang banyak, makan yang banyak, dan istirahat cukup. Tanpa obat. Tanpa opname.
Ketika seorang pasien mengeluh sakit, apapun keluhannya, RS akan melakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh, tidak hanya bagian yang dikeluhkan pasien. Dengan demikian, dokter bisa memperoleh informasi kondisi fisik pasien dengan lengkap.

Sebagai manusia, jagalah kesehatan karena kesehatan itu mahal harganya. Ini mungkin kalimat basi, tapi sangat penting dan benar adanya. Ketika kita sakit, apapun yang kita miliki menjadi tak berguna.

Salam sehat,
frida sinurat

June 14th, 2009

The Cow Brain

I got an information from my pastor that the cow brain is illegal in the U.S....
Well....sounds weird since it is one of the most delicious food in Indonesia...hahahaha....
The pastor said, it is illegal since it causes many diseases, at least it is high cholesterol.
That's true and I wonder why people in Indonesia don't care about it....
So, it's time to change our life style though it is not easy...

May 22nd, 2009


One day, my friend who is studying in Australia texted me,"Frida, are you studying in the U.S.? I saw your pictures on your Facebook and I wonder why all of your friends are Chinese..."

At that moment, I didn't know why....It's true that most of my friends are Chinese. In my program, Master of Science in Policy Economics (MSPE) in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), there are 45 graduate students, all of us are international students; 13 Chinese (29%), 10 Korean (22%), 7 Turkish (18%), 6 Taiwanese (13%), 2 Indonesian (4%), and the rest are 1 from Italy, 1 from Peru, 1 from Thailand, 1 from Dominican Republic, 1 from Tanzania, 1 from Iran, and 1 from Afghanistan.

Yesterday, when we went to the World Bank and heard the presentation, the presenter gave us an information that 3 countries that sent the largest number of people to study in the U.S. are India, China and Korea!
No wonder why most of my friends are Chinese! :)
That's why UIUC stands for University for Indian and University for Chinese....:)

PS: If I am not mistaken, most Indian are studying in Engineering Science, and most Chinese are studying in Social Science.

March 26th, 2009

The comparison of standards of living

This is still part of my course, International Financial Economics.

Usually, people will look at the country's GDP per capita to compare how poor or how rich that country is. The GDP per capita is usually in US Dollar so we can compare it between countries. As I mentioned before, according to the Balassa-Samuelson Theory, the prices of goods in rich countries are higher than that in poor countries because of the productivity of labor in rich countries is high, then their wages are higher, the production cost becomes higher and the result is the price tends to be more expensive.

Now we want to compare the GDP per capita of Indonesia and the United States. GDP per capita reflects a yearly income of a person in a country on average.
The U.S. GDP per capita in 2007 was $45,800.
Indonesia GDP per capita in 2007 was only $3,400. (source:
We can say that the U.S. GDP per capita is 13,47 times the GDP per capita of Indonesia.

In the class, we compared the GDP per capita between the U.S. and India which showed the U.S. GDP per capita is 59 times of India.
"Does this reflect the actual difference in standard of living between the two countries?" my professor asked us in the class, then suddenly I answered him instantaneously, "NO!".
He asked why, I replied, "it depends on the cost of living!" (actually, it was the first and maybe the last time I could think logically).
He said,"Exactly!" that made me flying to the ceiling...

I could say so because based on my experience, when I gathered with friends, we ever compared our salary and expenses in our own country. Before I came here, I thought that my scholarship would be more than enough because I just converted it to Rupiah. As time goes by, I realize that the cost of living in Indonesia much much cheaper than that in the U.S.. In Indonesia, you can buy a hamburger in Mc. Donald by 50 cents (or 5,000 Rupiahs), while in the U.S. it costs us $4 to $5. It is almost 10 times! With 50 cents, you can buy a hamburger in Mc. Donald Indonesia, but in the U.S. you need to spend $5 to buy the same thing!

I have a friend who is a rich guy from Tanzania, but in the U.S., he is poor, as poor as me. Oneday, someone asked him how much money that he got in Tanzania (He also got a scholarship from his office). He told that guy, an American guy, that his salary is around $800. That American guy was almost screaming when he said,"WHHAAAAAATTTTTT??? How could you live with that money????"
Of course it will never be enough in the U.S. but in Tanzania, with that amount of money, my friend could buy a fancy house with many rooms even though he is still single. He only needs one room to take a rest, but because he could make a lot of money in his country, he doesn't know how to waste his money. He could buy luxuries goods or anything he wants to buy. In the U.S., it means nothing.

That is why, you can not just compare the GDP per capita of your country to other country because it is not comparable. Again, it depends on the cost of living!

March 20th, 2009

"Why the prices of goods in poor countries are cheaper than that in developed countries"

This is a part of International Financial Economics course that I take this semester. It is really interesting to me since many Chinese products in Indonesia are banned by our government nowadays. Mostly because the contents are dangerous for health. For instance are candies, toys, foods, etc. Most people in Indonesia don't wanna buy Chinese product because we are affraid of its poor quality. It is a kind of slogan that Chinese product sucks.

Then my professor, a very smart and talented person, taught us in the class that prices of goods in poor countries are cheaper than that in developed countries. According to the Balassa-Samuelson Theory, it is because of the productivity of labor in poor countries is low, then the quality of the products is low as well. That is why the prices are cheap in poor countries.

Since I came here, I realized that everything is really expensive, even for Chinese products. Then I knew that the quality of the products is really good, and also you can return it if it is broken or you don’t like it, at most 3 months after you bought it and you’ll get your money back. It won’t happen in Indonesia! (“BARANG YANG SUDAH DIBELI TIDAK DAPAT DIKEMBALIKAN”. What the……).

Some Indonesian people who go abroad and find Indonesia’s product while shopping usually prevent themselves from buying it and turn it to other countries product. Now I know that Indonesian products or Chinese products which are sold abroad especially in developed countries usually have a good quality. So China sells their good quality products to rich countries and poor quality to poor countries. Next time while I go for shopping I won’t worry about the quality no matter where it was made.
Yeah…its time to go for shopping, guys!

February 27th, 2009

Invisible Woman

This is one of my weekly journal at ESL class last semester. It's fun, so enjoy it!

"Invisible Woman"

If I could be anything, I would be an invisible woman! It would be interesting, because I could do anything I want and people around me didn’t know it. I could meet a pop star that I really adore, went to people’s house or apartment and hidden myself when I met someone I hate. There would be many things I could do if I were invisible.

Sometimes, I really want to do something weird but I’m afraid that people will think that I’m crazy. For example, I really want to lay my head on Brad Pitt’s shoulder, share my life with him personally and have a romantic candle light dinner. But it sounds impossible because Brad Pitt doesn’t know me. If I were invisible, I could go to Brad Pitt’s house, laid my head on his shoulder. It would be the most unforgettable moment in my life. Of course, I wouldn’t be able to share my life with him personally nor had a romantic candle light dinner because he wouldn’t be able to see me, but it wouldn’t matter. At least I still could see him closely, touched him and even kissed him! (This is one of my wild imagination).

I like to see people’s places, especially the big and neat house or apartment. But if I don’t know the owner, maybe they will be angry if a stranger comes in to their house/apartment like a theft. If I were invisible, I could enter people’s house/apartment, or I could enter a very famous public figure’s house or apartment. I could see inside their apartment/house, used their furniture and acted as I were the owner.

Other thing that I could do if I were invisible, I could hide from a debt collector (even though I don’t have any debt with anybody now) or someone I hate. I could hide from my boss when he needed me, from a job that I didn’t like. I could hide from any moments/persons that made me feel inconvenient. I would feel free and nobody would annoy or disturb me.

In conclusion, being invisible would be very fun; knowing that you could do anything you want and people didn’t realize it. You don’t have to be worried of being caught. Just enjoy whatever you could do!

February 23rd, 2009

"Unfaithful" Movie Review

This was my journal on ESL (English as a Second Language) class last semester here, in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I wrote this as a weekly journal, our assignment for a semester. Here is the journal and at the end of this note is the comment from the teacher. Enjoy it!

Movie Review

Unfaithful is a movie that is starred by Diane Lane, Richard Gere and Olivier Martinez. Richard Gere (Edward Sumner) and Diane Lane (Connie Sumner) are husband and wife. They have a son, Charlie (Erik Per Sullivan) and they live in a very big house in a suburb in New York. Their life looks so perfect until an accidental meeting happens between Connie and a very handsome Frenchman, Paul (Olivier Martinez) and they start an affair that finally makes things go bad.

The movie makes very few attempts to convince us that Connie needs the affair, because the truth is that she doesn’t need it. She is beautiful and she has a handsome husband that really loves her. She also has a cute son. They are happy and rich as well. Their life is so perfect. Just because Connie’s friend jokes with her, having an affair should be considered like taking a pottery class — it is something fun to try out. This seems making Connie approaches the affair. It’s something she’s never tried, and the idea, and the follow-through, of the affair turns her on even more than the actual affair itself. Is she in love with Paul? Actually she is not in love with Paul. She is just in love with having the affair. This is so bad.

Her husband, Edward, has a sympathetic character. But unfortunately, he made a wrong decision to be involved in a murder. He killed Paul after he finds his wife’s love affair. This is weird because a nice person will not be involved in a murder. He is a very good husband, but it reminds us that a very good husband maybe had a bad role in his past years. Nobody is perfect. Maybe he played Paul’s role in the past.

Paul, as a very charming person, is not anywhere close to be our hero. This guy is a player, the kind of man that probably has two or three women lined up to take Connie’s place as soon as she ends the affair. Paul is not in love because he already has another target in-between his afternoon sessions with Connie. He is a kind of guy that you don’t want to be your best friend, because he will take any chance to steal your girlfriend just to prove that he can. Paul is just a person who is blessed with a good looking face and he can make a friendship easily with every woman.

This is an interesting movie because it tells us that everything will be so bad if you make a love affair. In my opinion, only a fool would have an affair. In this movie, Connie begins an affair with Paul. The affair becomes hot and heavy and ends in misery and violence when Connie’s husband, Edward, finds out the affair, and on the spur of the moment, goes to introduce himself to Paul and then Edward kills Paul. Edward, as a good man, looks like so easy to kill Paul. It does not make sense because a good man who has no experience in a murder, should find difficulties in killing someone. At least you will be so nervous while doing it. But in this movie, Edward looks so calm and confident while killing Paul. On the other hand, as a drama, this movie is a thrilling drama that is not easy to forget. Diane Lane played her role totally that made her got widespread praise for her performance. This movie is good to remind us that a love affair will turn everything bad.

Then my teacher, Nisha Agha, a half Pakistan and a half Irish, wrote this:
"Are affairs common in Indonesia? In America they are very common so I think people here may be able to relate better to the characters.
I think your last sentence sums up your thoughts well."


February 20th, 2009

Footprints in the Sand

Footprints in the Sand has been seen in print by people around the world over since the late 1940's. All that time no author has been credited with this immortal work, only 'Author Anonymous' has appeared at the bottom. Then I found in a website that the original author of this poem was Mary Stevenson. I really like this poem because it is so touching and inspiring me when I'm down and feeling blue and having many huge problems in my life, then after remembering this, I will feel better.

Footprints in the Sand

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from anguish,
sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most tiring periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?"

The Lord replied,
"The times when you have seen
only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you."

Mary Stevenson

February 5th, 2009

frappuccino oh frappuccino...

Last night, me and my friends (Xiaowei Tian and Wayne) had dinner together at Mandarin Wok, a Chinese restaurant in Champaign. After having dinner, me and Tian wanted to buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks but Wayne didn't want to, so Tian and I went in to Starbucks coffee shop. Tian ordered a medium cup of espresso, while I was still considering what I should order, I remembered that I used to order frappuccino when I was in Indonesia. But when my order came, I was so shocked because it was an iced coffee!!! Oh my goodness!! It was 8 pm and the temperature was so cold, around -2 degree of Celsius.....then I couldn't stop laughing and laughing.....
Wayne asked me a stupid question,"is there any Starbucks in Indonesia?"
I replied,"Of course!! Don't underestimate my country!"
Then he asked,"so why did you order it?" with a silly smile in his face...
"Because my country is sooooo hot, so I used to order this....but I didn't realize that I'm in America now, and I didn't realize that now is almost winter with this killing temperature........"
So next time, before I order something, I have to make sure that my order is suitable with the temperature....!

November 11th, 2008

feeling blue..

I'm missing the time I shared together with my friends in Indonesia; rinda, mira, andyan, mbak riza, novi, ifah, karolina, richard, bance...oh how I miss them all now...

I remembered that everyday, during our lunch hour, from 12 am to 1 pm, me and my colleagues usually went to BDN, Plaza Indonesia, Grand Indonesia, ITC Kuningan, Tanah Abang. These are our most favorite places for shopping....

Every Friday, when the lunch hour is longer than other days, we had our lunch at Sushi Tei (most frequent visited), Chopstick, or tried new restaurants in everywhere...

Now I don't have enough time to do that...
So many homeworks and exams make me stuck in the middle of nowhere..
No time to watch TV, no time to update the news, no time to have fun!
Even I need more than 24 hours a day! What a life...
All of these tasks and assignments bury me so deeply...deeper and deeper...
It makes me frustrated...

Oh Frida...stop complaining!!! Go back to your notes and textbooks!!!
As Obama said,"YES!!! WE CAN!!!!!!" ^_^

November 6th, 2008

an announcement

I just realized that I haven't update this blog for so long....oh my...
Since I'm on facebook, I wrote many things as notes....
I will transfer all of my notes on facebook to this blog.
Here we go...